Our little blog about the Morrigan's Brood book series (and our other books)

Posts tagged “winner

Updates and Giveaway Winners

2013 AggieConI don’t remember the last time I (Christopher) posted, but it has been a while. It’s funny, because we have been to a plethora of events these last few weeks, with more events this weekend and next weekend. I guess work (my day job), getting ready for upcoming events, and recovering from prior events, are my biggest excuses. Well, here I am, blogging. So, what shall I blog about? How about free giveaway winners from the Houston Celtic Festival? First, however, I would like to welcome all of the people we spoke with at our booth during the festival. Thanks especially to the folks who attended our readings. Despite the volume of rain dropped on us that Saturday, the event in 2010 caused rivers to flow through the arena, so this wasn’t so bad.