Our little blog about the Morrigan's Brood book series (and our other books)


The What-if Loop

Librarian Seeking …

‘Dear Hiring Manager’… it’s how most of my cover letters start.

I (Heather) did my morning job search again.  For those who don’t know, I’m a librarian.  It’s what helps me get to the nitty-gritty of history and culture that Chris and I write about.  I do love delving into research.  It doesn’t always matter what it’s about most of the time.  I can say without reserve that I’m a great researcher.  I love the challenge of it.  I love helping other people with it.

Free Giveaway Winners and Upcoming Events

Selling books to a Dalek

Selling books to a Dalek

This Week So Far…

… has been difficult thus far, as anyone who has read our previous blog post can attest, but life must go on. In that spirit, I (Christopher) would like to announce the winners of two recent free giveaways. As I mentioned before, we are still going to award books to winners from the Comicpalooza giveaway… it just took us several weeks to announce the winners. Now, with Space City Con, our delay has been a few days, but that is due to our recent tragedy. In addition, I would like to advise our readers of our remaining 2013 appearances, as well as our budding 2014 calendar.

A New Year, New Events… and a New Book

What… no picture? Shhh…. that comes later. For now, you will have to contend with text… boring text. Hey, there needs to be some motivation for you to click the More button… right? So, why should you read this boring text and THEN click More? Well, I (author Christopher Dunbar) will tell you… new cover art for Curse of Venus: Morrigan’s Brood Book IV by the lovely and talented Khanada Taylor, that’s why!

Oh, and some news about new events, a new year, and… you guessed it… a new book. OK, now click More and read More. [Unless of course you went directly to this post and didn’t navigate from the main page.]

Winners and New Appearances

We have winners, events coming up, interviews, and more.

And the winners are…

Well, we have been busy, but we finally did our drawing… combining winners from the last four events we have attended, so we have four winners. They are:

  • April Boyle
  • Deseray King
  • Sonya Sackett
  • Jaimee Mayes

We will be contacting these winners soon to get shipping information. Congratulations!

We also still have the free giveaway and free eBook on Goodreads.

Other Stuff

Go to our website to find out about our 2013 schedule. Also, we will make another post when Paranormal Haven publishes our character interviews… asking them about what they did as mortals around the time that we today celebrate Halloween.

Well, it is bed time, so I (Christopher) shall end this with a big THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US STARVING AUTHORS!!!

New Website Content, Events, and Free Giveaway

Test button for Triscellepublishing.com
Button example for Triscelle Publishing.com Test Button for Triscelle Publishing.com
New button sample for TriscellePublishing.com Test button for Triscellepublishing.com

I (Christopher) have been giving the http://www.triscellepublishing.com website a bit of a content upgrade, in addition adding buttons for certain links, instead of text-based hyperlinks. I will go into more depth as to what website changes I have been making, I will show you where you can find out where we will be for our next book signings, and I will remind everyone of the free giveaway of our book of your choice through Goodreads. Click below for more:

Free Giveaway Winners, Events, and other News

Author Christopher Dunbar in a kilt

Author Christopher Dunbar in a kiltAh… time to breathe. We have had so much going on in the last few months that I (Christopher) have fallen behind on actual work… writing, and whatnot. Well, it looks like we are between events, so I should be able to catch a bit of a break. Today, I will belatedly be releasing the winners of the free giveaway we held for Comicpalooza (at the end of May), and I will be reminding everyone of our other free giveaway through Goodreads.  Also, here is a picture of me in a kilt.  This is the ancient hunting MacIntyre tartan worn as a great kilt [also called Breacan an Fhéilidh (belted plaid) or Féileadh Mòr (great plaid)].  The doublet is a Pendragon, the feather is a pheasant tail feather, the I made the sporran.  You can often find me kilt clad at these events, though the last few indoor events I was bereft of a kilt.  I shall have to make up for it in the future.

We have some exciting prospects coming up towards the second half of this year, though as in previous years, there seems to be fewer events we attend in Q3 and Q4 than we attend in Q1 and Q2. Still, plenty of events for you to come out and see us or listen to us read aloud. Let’s see… there is Space City Con, the Salado Scottish Festival and Highland Games, and even the Sherwood Forest Celtic Music Festival, among others. That’s another observation of our events… most of the events in Q3 and Q4 are outdoor venues, whereas most events we attended in Q1 and Q2 were indoor events. Strange.

Congrats to Our Giveaway Winners and the usual ‘haps

At long last, we’re finally announcing the winners of our latest giveway.

Congrats to –

Veronica Whiteacre

Gabby Marshall


Sam Carson!!!!

Yayyyy!!!!  *Does the flail-y Kermit-the-Frog dance.

Let’s see what’s been going on with us?  We’ve been dealing with a somewhat temperamental truck (I don’t feel like blowing AC on you!  Ha!  Now I’ll throw my brake pads and rotors!), finishing up the first draft of book six otherwise known as Morrigan’s Brood: Odin’s Chosen, various crazy work occurrences, and preparing for the latest event (Houston Indie Book Fest).  Honestly, I spent so much time at Professional Auto Care (where I used to work), they joked that the truck had decided to live there and that I may as well come back to work there.

The katkids have spent their days snoozing and lazing about.  Well, except for the Clydemonster who likes to race around the house and pounce on unsuspecting elderkittehs.

We’re both working fulltime and I’m wishing for quiet time now.  Sometimes it’s very hard to get the necessary quiet time that introverts seem to need, or at least I do.  I don’t quite get why the quiet time has become so important to me, but I need to hide away for a few minutes every day and not hear screaming kids or the demands of patrons or cats.

I’m also hoping that the summer won’t be too miserable.  I’m so very not heat tolerant.  After the highland games in San Antonio, I spent monday recovering from ‘the hot’.  Oh well…  I hope everyone here is doing great.  If you’re interested in some beautiful crafts check out Einini Glassworks.   I also need to post information about a wonderous Irish storyteller we met at the games named Jane.  Jane is reading bits and pieces of our book series and makes these fabulous dolls.

We’ll be sure to post more as hearing her talk about the Tuaths and Morrigan’s creation of the Deargh Du sent chills down our spines.  😀

Anyways, time to look busy at work again ;).   Love you guys…

Welcome Inductees to the Morrigan’s Brood Series

I (Christopher) would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of you who visited our booth at the North Texas Irish Festival in Dallas, Texas this weekend! Both Heather and I enjoyed speaking with all of you! NTIF has been our best event thus far, and we look forward to attending next year. For those new to we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series, and those who have been following us for a while, I thought I would update you folks on a few things:

Morrigan’s Brood Re-Release Now in eBook Format

Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I
Morrigan's Brood: Morrigan's Brood Book I

New Cover

Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I Soon to be Released on Nook and Kindle

I (Christopher) must really like this graphic, because I have used it for the last three posts. Well, as we prepare ourselves to depart 2011 (those who have not already begun the new year… lucky), I realized there was one goal for 2011 that I had not yet accomplished. As you may recall, we recently re-released Morrigan’s Brood: Morrigan’s Brood Book I in print, but I had forgotten to do eBook versions. Well, today, this last day of 2011, I completed that goal. I just submitted Morrigan’s Brood r2 for Kindle and Nook platforms, although it may take up to two days for the eBooks to be on-sale. Still, I can brush my hands of this book stuff for a while… Who am I kidding… I have a novella to read, a re-release of Crone of War: Morrigan’s Brood Book II to revisit, and then I need to get Curse of Venus: Morrigan’s Brood Book IV ready for release. Uhhhh… no rest for the weary or the wicked.

Have a Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events

Well, we have lots of events planned for next year, and a few more this year. I (Christopher) have been adding this calendar to previous posts, but tonight, I would like to feature our event schedule. Mind you, this is not a complete list, and those that don’t say “confirmed” are just that, but we will make every effort to attend the events listed. In addition, we are always looking for more events to attend, so we hope to be adding to this list.

Anyway, look below for our tentative 2011 to 2012 list of events for we authors of the Morrigan’s Brood Series:

Free Giveaway Winners and More

Free Giveaway 1, in honor of HPPD

We have winners! Heather and I tonight drew three lucky winners who will receive one signed book from our series, but each winner gets to choose which book she or he wins, whether it is Morrigan’s Brood, Crone of War, or Dark Alliance. As before, we will gladly cover the shipping for the prizes. Now, can anyone guess as to the identities of the winners? No? Alright… I shall write them. The winners of our free giveaway in honor of HPPD are:

Welcome New Fans!

What an event! Heather and I (Christopher) just returned from HPPD, and we had fun! Good music (for the most part), good dancing, and great people. If you met up with us at HPPD, give us a cheer. Also, if you took pictures of us, please tag or or send us copies to post. We love pictures of us, not that we are narcissists, or anything like that. Thank you for stopping by our tent.

Events for the first half of 2011

Just like last year, we plan to be at several book and genre events this year. I don’t have a complete list of confirmed events, that is confirmations that we have been accepted as authors or vendors through Triscelle Publishing, but be looking for us at these events for the first half of 2011:

Win Free Stuff in Honor of the Houston Highland Games!

In honor of the Houston Highland Games and Celtic Festival, Triscelle Publishing will be hosting another contest!  We will be giving away free copies of Morrigan’s Brood, in both print and electronic form, and if you win and you already have Morrigan’s Brood, we will provide you with an advanced copy of Morrigan’s Brood: Crone of War, when it is ready for final printing.  Prizes will include 3 signed, paper books and 5 electronic books.  For those unable to attend in person, we will also throw in a postcard and/or a bookmark, while supplies last.

If you go to the games and would like to enter, stop by the booth, get a ticket, and record your name, phone number, and email address so we can notify you if you have won.  If you will not be able to attend, send an email to chris_dunbar@triscellepublishing stating your desire to be entered, and we will tear a ticket for you.  We will start taking entries for the contest online beginning Friday.

The drawing will be held one week from Sunday the 16th, and the winners will be contacted soon after.  People wishing to participate in the contest may enter until noon central on Sunday, May 23.

The Houston Highland Games and Celtic Festival will be held May 15 through 16 (Saturday and Sunday) at the Houston Farm & Ranch Club – 1 Abercrombie Drive; Houston, Texas 77084 (near Bear Creek Park). For more information about the festival, including other merchents, bands, Scottish Highland games, dancing, and activities, please visit http://www.houstonhighlandgames.com.

See you there!
